Office phones are totally still necessary

They’re kind of like customers that way

*Tell me more about the super amazing vacation you just went on.

Never get a busy signal and never pay extra for long distance!

While we recommend using the smartphone app to receive calls away from your desk, you can also set up call forwarding directly to a number of your choosing.

Unplug your desk phone and take it anywhere in the world; as long you’ve got data and power, it’ll be business as usual. Alternatively, download the smartphone app to make and receive calls through the phone system wherever you are (all you need is a charged battery and cell service).

Each extension can record and designate custom messages for a variety of phone system features (i.e. greetings, on hold, and voicemail). Easily change these recordings on the fly with our web portal (see below).

Forward voicemail audio files directly to one or more designated email inboxes.

Call wherever and whenever you want!

There is no onsite PBX (Private Branch Exchange), which means your phone system will keep functioning even when there are service or power outages.

Set up phone trees to help customers navigate your phone system (“Press 1 to speak to reception, Press 2 to speak to accounting…” etc.)

Set up call groups to ring through a set group of extensions. If no one answers the phone within a certain time, that call can be transferred to voicemail, or a second preset call group.

Bulloch PBX can be customized to use specific phone system settings based on date, time, and call group. The most common way we see this used is for “During” and “After Hours” presets. These settings can be put in place an entire year in advance, perfect for planned holidays, office closures, lunch hours, etc.

Manage business-wide and individual extension settings directly from the web portal. With multiple levels of user authorization, you can ensure the right people can make the right changes across your organization. The web portal will also allow users to send text messages, check voicemail messages, and make/receive calls.